Systemic Crises of Global Climate Change
is an edited volume of 49 international, interdisciplinary contributions addressing global climate change (GCC) by intentionally engaging with the issues of race, gender, and class through an intersectional lens. The volume challenges and inspires readers to foster new theoretical and practical linkages and think beyond the traditional, and oftentimes reductionist, environmental science frame by examining issues within their turbulent political, cultural, and personal landscapes. Varied media and writing styles invite students and educators to reflexively engage different, yet complementary, approaches to GCC analysis and interpretation, mirroring the disparate voices and viewpoints within the field.
Emergent Possibilities for Global Sustainability
is an interdisciplinary collection that addresses global climate change and sustainability by engaging with the issues of race, gender, and class through an intersectional lens. The book challenges readers to foster new theoretical and practical linkages and to think beyond the traditional, and oftentimes reductionist, environmental science frame by examining issues within their turbulent political, cultural, and personal landscapes. Through a variety of media and writing styles, this collection is unique in its presentation of a complex and integrated analysis of global climate change and its implications.
Book Reviews: Journal of Social Justice | British Journal of Sociology

Chapter 6. That Is So Queer: Building a Foundation for Working With African American Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender Individuals in the Community
Laurens G. Van Sluytman, Denise Torres, and Saanjh Aakash Kishore

Chapter 1. Defining Severe Persistent Mental Illness: Implications for Knowledge, Needs, and Services
Denise Torres

Chapter 10. Incarceration: Prisons and Jails-Friendo y comiendo: Reflections on the system of incarceration.
Denise Torres

Journal Articles
Van Sluytman, L. G., Torres, D., McLeod, B., Coleman, D. (2018). When They Return: Urban Community Advocacy and Community Organizing. Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, 3(3), pp 149-157.
Van Sluytman, L.G. & Torres, D. (2014). Hidden or uninvited? A content analysis of elder LGBT of color literature in Gerontology. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 57(2), DOI: 10.1080/01634372.2013.877551
Torres, D. & Estrine, S. (2013). "Behavioral Health." In Mullen, E.J. (Ed.). Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. NY: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780195389678-0151
Mizrahi, T., Lopez-Humphreys, M. & Torres, D. (2009). The social construction of client participation: The evolution and transformation of service recipients in the child welfare and mental disabilities systems. The Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 36(2), 35-61.

Popular Media
Torres, D. (2007, November). Health services still in limbo: DSC, VP seek interim solutions. The Advocate, 1.
Torres, D. (2007, April). Going without: Grad students face increasingly tough choices over health care. The Advocate, 1.
Torres, D. (2005). How to think about the mental health of our children/Como pensar acerca de la salud mental de nuestros niños. How...When...Where Information for homeless and relocated families in New York City, January-February 2-5.
Curtis, D. (February 15, 2004). Sox
Question System. The New York Post.
Radio & Voice
RELAY Productions Facing Homelessness (September 2004). Richard Numeroff, Director and Elisa Zazzara, Producer.
Health Circle Radio Program (WNYE 91.5)
- HIV and Mental Health Services (February 2001)
- The Psychological & Physiological Health Benefits of Pet Ownership (August 2000; Two-part series)